/k map
See a map in chat of the chunks around you, and who they are claimed by.
Left-click on an unclaimed chunk to claim it.
/k claim
Claim the chunk you are currently stood on
/k claim auto
Automatically claim any chunk you stand on as you move around. This begins immediately with the chunk you're currently stood on
Claiming large areas of land
NOTE: The following commands do NOT immediately claim the chunks, but instead add them to a 'clipboard' from which you can see which lands cannot be claimed, and which will be claimed - while also allowing you to add/remove extra lands and confirm your claims.
/k claim fill
Select the chunks within a specified shape
/k claim square
Select a square with the area of (radius*radius) chunks.
/k claim pos1|pos2
Use the options (either pos1 or pos2) to set two corners, between which everything is selected to be claimed in a rectangular shape.
/k claim line
Select a certain amount of chunks in a straight line in the direction you're facing.
Clipboard and Confirming Claims
/k claim clipboard
View the lands you have selected using the commands found in the claiming large areas of land section.
/k claim complete
Actually claim the land you you have selected previously.
Last updated