Members only pay taxes if they are part of a kingdom. Kingdoms pay taxes either directly to the server or to their nation, which then pays taxes to the server.
Kingdoms not in a nation
Taxes are collected every 48 hours from a kingdom's bank, though they are immune for the first three days after they are created.
By default, taxes are collected from a kingdom's members using the following equation:
Following this, the kingdom then pays taxes, using the following equation:
Pacifist kingdoms pay using the following equation:
Members are not kicked from the kingdom if unable to pay the taxes, and kingdoms are not disbanded if unable to pay.
Nations and kingdoms within nations
If a kingdom is in a nation, then the kingdom pays taxes to the nation, which then pays taxes to the server using the following equation:
and, by default, kingdoms within the nation pay taxes to the nation using the following equation:
If it is unable to pay its taxes, a nation will be disbanded.
If a kingdom cannot pay its taxes to the nation, it will be kicked from the nation, but not disbanded.
Last updated